Name Designation Room No/Intercom Telephone(Office) Telephone(Res)/Mobile eMail id Residence Address
Sh. Sarbananda Sonowal Hon’ble Minister of Ports,Shipping and Waterways 201/5201 23717422, 23717423, 23717424, 23356709 fax 011-21410656,21411844-46 minister-shipping@gov.in 23, Safdarjung Road
Sh. Amit Kumar PS to Hon’ble Minister of Ports,Shipping and Waterways 202/5201 23717422, 23717423, 23717424, 23356709 fax ps-shipping@gov.in
Sh. P. Dinesh Additional PS 224/5201 23717422, 23717423, 23717424, 23356709 fax menon.p@nic.in
Sh. Kuldip Gayan Additional PS 5201 23717422, 23717423, 23717424, 23356709 fax 011-21410656,21411844-46 kuldeep.gayan@gov.in 23, Safdarjung Road
Sh. Tuhin Hazarika Asst. PS 205 23717422, 23717423, 23717424, 23356709 fax 011-21410656,21411844-46 tuhin.hazarika@gov.in 23, Safdarjung Road
Sh. Mukul Ch Lahkar Asst. PS 205 23717422, 23717423, 23717424, 23356709 fax 011-21410656,21411844-46 mukul.lahkar@gov.in 23, Safdarjung Road
Sh. Prem Kumar PPS 207 23717422, 23717423, 23717424, 23356709 fax 9717789733
Name Designation Room No/Intercom Telephone(Office) Telephone(Res)/Mobile eMail id Residence Address
Sh. Shantanu Thakur Hon’ble Minister of State of Ports,Shipping and Waterways 215 23710189,23710356 23012529,21410224 shantanu.thakur20@sansad.nic.in, officeofmos-psw@gov.in 187, South Avenue
Sh. Chandra Mohan Singh PS to Hon’ble Minister of State 216 23710189/356 pstomos-psw@gov.in
Sh. Subhash Chandra Das Additional PS 208 23710189, 23710356 subhash.chandra94@gov.in
Sh. Anurag Bhabhra Asst. PS 428/5203 23710189, 23710356 anurag.bhabhra@gov.in
Sh.Pramod Kohli PS 211/5203 23710189, 23710356
Name Designation Room No/Intercom Telephone(Office) Telephone(Res)/Mobile eMail id Residence Address
Sh. T K Ramachandran Secretary 401/5402 23714938, 23716656 secyship@nic.in
Mrs. Vibha Atri Sr. PPS 402/5402 23714938
Sh. V. Srinivas PPS 402/5402 23714938
Sh. Sanjay Kumar PPS 402/5402 23714938 sanjay.kalonia@gov.in
Sh. Deepak Kalonia SO 402/5402 23714938 kalonia.deepak@gov.in
Name Designation Room No/Intercom Telephone(Office) Telephone(Res)/Mobile eMail id Residence Address
Sh. Rajesh Kumar Sinha Additional Secretary 406/5406 23736125/23733051(FAX) as-psw@gov.in
Sh. B.K.Nayak PS 404/5404 23736125/23723051(FAX) as-psw@gov.in
Sh. Amit Kumar PA 404/5404 23736125/23733051(FAX) as-psw@gov.in
Name Designation Room No/Intercom Telephone(Office) Telephone(Res)/Mobile eMail id Residence Address
Sh. Puneet Agarwal AS & FA 516/5101/5102 23736455,23721235 asfa-ship@nic.in,asfamost@nic.in
Sh. Vikas Khanna PPS 518/5102 23721235,23736455 9899810100 asfamost@nic.in
Sh. Arpit Rukhaya PA 518/5102 23721235,23736455 8079093795 asfamost@nic.in
Name Designation Room No/Intercom Telephone(Office) Telephone(Res)/Mobile eMail id Residence Address
Sh. Animesh Bharti Senior Economic Adviser 410/5409 23711323 sr.ecoadv@gov.in
Mrs. Simran Sharma PS 412/5412 23711323
Mrs. Anju Nair PS 412/5412 23711323
Name Designation Room No/Intercom Telephone(Office) Telephone(Res)/Mobile eMail id Residence Address
Sh.R. Lakshmanan JS (Ports,PPP, Sagarmala & Estt-I) 403/5410 23711873,23356712,23753396(FAX) js-ports@nic.in
Sh. L.P.Maurya SR. PPS 405/5591 23356712,23711873
Sh. Himanshu PA 405/5411 23356712,23711873
Sh. H.N.Aswath Development Adviser(P) 409C/5417 23739621 9845481965 hn.aswath@nic.in
Mrs. Seema PPS 412/5451 23739621
Sh. Sandeep Gupta JS (PHRD, Genl.Estt-II, Cash & ALHW) 441/5628 23354007 jsadmin-psw@gov.in
Sh.Gautam Kumar PPS 544/5574 23354007
Dr. Kamala Kanta Nath Adviser(Statistics) 5418/409B 23318212 adviwt-psw@gov.in,trw-adv@gov.in
Mrs. Sunita Kirtani PS 412/5452 23318212
Sh. Mukesh Mangal JS (Coord, Parl & DGLL) 408/5408 23711499 jscord-psw@gov.in
Sh. M.C Kurup PPS 417/5405 23711499
Mrs. Anju Rani PA 417/5405 23711499
Name Designation Room No/Intercom Telephone(Office) Telephone(Res)/Mobile eMail id Residence Address
Sh. Shailendra Kureel DS 422/5419 23352637 9958037939 dsadmin-psw@gov.in
Sh. Sachin Kumar Katiyar US 427/5427 23710363 us.admn-ship@gov.in
Sh. Rajesh Bhatt SO(Estt.-I) 425/ 5425 23719727 9711081330 so.admn-ship@gov.in
Sh. Bhushan Kanwadiya SO (Estt) 425 23719727 bhushan.kanwadiya@gov.in
Sh. Naveen Mahla SO(Gen) 434/5234 23718132 so.gen-ship@gov.in
Ms. Ruchi Rawat DDO 319/5320 23719676 ship-ddocash@gov.in
Mrs. Lipika Pal SO (CASH) 319/5317 23719676 ship-ddocash@gov.in
Name Designation Room No/Intercom Telephone(Office) Telephone(Res)/Mobile eMail id Residence Address
Sh. Rituraj Mishra Dir 436/5547 23753394 9910470816 dirppp-psw@gov.in
Sh. Rajesh Asati DS (PD-II,IV) 534/5509 23710836 9727772146 dsports-psw@gov.in
Dr. Tarun Kumar Budal DD (PD-I,II & IV) 438/5520 23705360 8808051084 ddports-psw@gov.in
Sh. Isaacs Gerard Baines US (PD-III) 435/5435 23724653 9868025548 usports-psw@gov.in
Sh. P.Hauzel US ( PD-IV) 535/5565 23722252 uspd4-psw@gov.in
Sh. Nitin Kumar Nim SO ( PD-III) 443/5443 23719701 9711282425 so-po@nic.in
Mrs. Smita Srivastava SO (PD-III) 443/5443 23719701 so-po@nic.in
Mrs. Indu EO (PD-IV) 138A/5507 23718587 9910930597 sopd4-ship@gov.in
Sh. Puneet Kumar SO(PD-I) 424/5424 23358125 sopd1-psw@gov.in
Mrs. Swaran Kaur Bedi SO (PD-II) 424/5460 23358125 pdii-moship@gov.in
Name Designation Room No/Intercom Telephone(Office) Telephone(Res)/Mobile eMail id Residence Address
Sh. P.K.Roy Dir 440/5440 23736885 9868304646 dirphrd-psw@gov.in
Sh. Ashish Bhatttacharya US 438/5510 23719422 usphrd-psw@gov.in
Sh. Sanjay Vashisht SO(PE-II) 537/5477 sopeii-psw@gov.in
Sh. Amit kumar SO(PE-I) 423/5423 23719613 sope1@nic.in
Sh. Kuldeep Singh SO (PE-I) 423/5423 23719613 9818283385 sope1@nic.in
Sh. S. Benwal SO(Labour) 138A/5421 23714864 7838038187 solabour-psw@gov.in
Name Designation Room No/Intercom Telephone(Office) Telephone(Res)/Mobile eMail id Residence Address
Sh. Mandeep Singh Randhawa Dir (MA & MT) 437/5567 23710039 9818082825 director-ship@gov.in
Sh. Venkatesapathy S. Dir 413/5413 23321672 dir1-psw@gov.in
Sh. Opesh Kumar Sharma Dir 525/5614 23356713 9447047909 dir2-psw@gov.in
Sh. Chiranji Lal Meena US (CS, MT & MD) 535/ 5437 23358128 uscsit-psw@gov.in
Sh. Manoj Kumar Singh US (IC) 439/5472 23724654 usic-psw@gov.in
Mrs. K. S Geetha US (SBR, CSL & SU) 528/5503 23311659 usshipping2-psw@gov.in
Sh. Sumit Nandan US (MA) 439/ 5566 23356711 usma-psw@gov.in
Sh. Vivek Pahwa US (IMO & ML) 431/5431 23714714 9810825280 usml-psw@gov.in
Sh. Prince Garg SO (SBR) 538/5511 23715207 sosbrcsl-psw@gov.in
Ms. Sugandha Grover SO (MT) 546/5572 23356708 somt@nic.in
Mrs. Kavita AD (MD & CS) 540/5512 23715207
Sh. Ashish Kumar Singh SO (ML) 546/5260 23356708 somg-ship@nic.in
Sh. Navneet Kadian SO (IC) 538/5473 23323864 soic-psw@gov.in
Sh. Sandeep SO (MA) 546/5447 23356708 soma2-ship@gov.in
Sh.Pradeep Chhabra CONSULTANT 528/5531 p.chhabra@nic.in
Name Designation Room No/Intercom Telephone(Office) Telephone(Res)/Mobile eMail id Residence Address
Vacant Dir (Sagarmala) 433/5433 23718390 8445889991 dirsm1-psw@gov.in
Sh. Ranjit Kr. Srivastava DS (Sagarmala) 532/5532 23719456 dssm2-psw@gov.in
Sh. Devendra Kumar DS (ALHW, CS) 3rd Floor/ PTI Building 23352339 dssm3-psw@gov.in
Sh. Alok Dixit US(SM) 416/5429 23719492 ussm2-psw@gov.in
Sh. Sanjay Kumar US (SM) 3rd floor/PTI Building 23714715 ussm1-psw@gov.in
Sh. Rajiv Kumar US(ALHW) 3rd floor/PTI Building 23731270 9968646388 usalhw-psw@gov.in
Sh. S.K. Baidya SO(ALHW) 3rd floor/PTI Building
Sh. Himanshu Johri SO (SM-I) 3rd floor/PTI Building 23714715 sagar.mala@gov.in
Mr. Surender Singh SO 3rd Floor/ PTI Building 23714715 sagar.mala@gov.in
Name Designation Room No/Intercom Telephone(Office) Telephone(Res)/Mobile eMail id Residence Address
Sh. Rituraj Mishra Dir 436/5547 23753394 9910470816 dirppp-psw@gov.in
Sh. Manish Kr. Yadav US 547/5436 23717731 9015089882 usppp-psw@gov.in
Sh. Vinay Singh Prajapati SO 537/5545 23715905 pppcell-psw@gov.in
Name Designation Room No/Intercom Telephone(Office) Telephone(Res)/Mobile eMail id Residence Address
Sh. Rajesh Sharma DS 251/5217 23350649 dsfin-psw@gov.in
Sh. Surjeet Kumar US 431/5416 23710456 9560092887 usifw-psw@gov.in
Sh. Udeyveer Bhagel SO 529/ 5529 23358126 9013882992 sofin-psw@gov.in
Sh. Atul Mahendra SO 529/5529 23358126 sofin-psw@gov.in
Name Designation Room No/Intercom Telephone(Office) Telephone(Res)/Mobile eMail id Residence Address
Sh. Manoranjan Samal Dir (IWT-I) 536/5571 23719031 9716981949 diriwt1-psw@gov.in
Mrs. Avneet Kaur Dir (IWT-II) 23352726 9899441408 psw-diriwt2@gov.in
Sh. Uttam Kumar Mishra US 547/5559 23357558 9971695118 psw-usiwt2@gov.in
Sh. Gaurav Sharma SO 528/5528 23719076 9911372228 soiwt1-psw@gov.in
Name Designation Room No/Intercom Telephone(Office) Telephone(Res)/Mobile eMail id Residence Address
Sh.Mandeep Singh Randhawa Dir 525/5567 23710039 9818082825 director-ship@gov.in
Sh. Dhrub Kumar US 432/5471 23313943 usvig-psw@gov.in
Sh. Mahesh Kumar SO 432/ 5432 23739092 9899491691 sovig-psw@gov.in
Sh. Dharamdev Lal Anand SO 432 sovig-psw@gov.in
Name Designation Room No/Intercom Telephone(Office) Telephone(Res)/Mobile eMail id Residence Address
Sh. Rituraj Mishra Dir 436/5547 23753394 dirppp-psw@gov.in
Dr. Tarun Kumar Budal DD 438/5520 23705360 8808051084 itship-psw@gov.in
Name Designation Room No/Intercom Telephone(Office) Telephone(Res)/Mobile eMail id Residence Address
Sh. A P S Sirohi Dir (Coord-I) 542/5542 23350647 8860227151 diriwt1-psw@gov.in
Sh. Mrityunjay Jha Dir (Coord-II) 545/5536 23313948 9868516469 dircoord2-psw@gov.in
Sh. Anadi Sharma US 416/5501 23711139 9810213306 uscoord1-psw@gov.in
Sh. Ajoy Kant SO (Coord-II) 535/5518 23720015 9540017818 socoord2-psw@gov.in
Ms. Catherine Singson SO(Coord-I) 535/5445 23320981 9654684044 catherine.singson@gov.in
Mr. Ankit Gupta SO (Coord-II) 540/5523 23719633
Sh.V.S.Sehrawat CONSULTANT 138B/5588 23323648 9818321890 vs.sehrawat@nic.in
Name Designation Room No/Intercom Telephone(Office) Telephone(Res)/Mobile eMail id Residence Address
Sh. Abhay Vaman Sarode Dir 543/5439 23719312 8286715046 dirdgll-psw@gov.in
Sh. Mrityunjay Jha Dir (Parl) 545/5536 23313948 9868516469 dircoord2-psw@gov.in
Sh. Danwir Kishan Karwade US(PARL) 435/5325 23724653 usparl-psw@gov.in
Sh. Pardeep Kumar SO (DGLL) 538/5514 23356988 pardeep.k89@gov.in
Sh. Jagdish Prasad Consultant( PARL) 546A/5582 23739093 9971087800 parliship@nic.in
Name Designation Room No/Intercom Telephone(Office) Telephone(Res)/Mobile eMail id Residence Address
Vacant Dir (Engg.) 536/5571 23719031 dirdw-psw@gov.in
Sh. Ramji Singh Dy. Dir (Engg) 541/5541 23711022 9654563359 dddw-psw@gov.in
Name Designation Room No/Intercom Telephone(Office) Telephone(Res)/Mobile eMail id Residence Address
Ms. Mohita Aswal Dy Dir Jamnagar House (114) 23385791 ddtrw-psw@gov.in
Sh. Ashish Kumar Saini SSO Jamnagar House 23389854 ashish-saini@nic.in
Sh. Jagdish Chand SSO Jamnagar House 23389854 9654572036 jagdish.chand2@nic.in
Name Designation Room No/Intercom Telephone(Office) Telephone(Res)/Mobile eMail id Residence Address
Sh. Mrityunjay Jha Director 545/5536 23313948 9868516469 dircoord2-psw@gov.in
Mrs. Sangeeta Topno Deputy Director (OL) 011/5011 23318215 9868240145 ddol-psw@gov.in
Sh. Rakesh Kumar STO 011/5012 23318215 9873802402 ol-psw@gov.in
Mrs. Palak Jaiswal STO 011/5011 23318215 8447394079 ol-psw@gov.in
Mrs. Pooja JTO 011/5011 23318215 8527982780 ol-psw@gov.in
Mrs. Nirmala Pahwa Consultant 011/5011 23318215 9013784828 ol-psw@gov.in
Name Designation Room No/Intercom Telephone(Office) Telephone(Res)/Mobile eMail id Residence Address
Sh. Sunil Jain Scientist-G HOG, NIC 9425609696 hog-shipping@nic.in
Ms.Sangeeta Bhatia Scientist-F HOD, NIC hod-shipping@nic.in
Sh. Pravin Srivastava Tech Director, NIC 535/Cabin B 23327142 9868878023 officer1.shipping@nic.in
Ms.Priya Scientific/Technical Assistant-B 429/5480 23327781 officer2.shipping@nic.in
Network & Email Support 322/5150 ,5552 support-transport@supportgov.in
Web-Maintenace and Support 138A web-ship@gov.in
Name Designation Room No/Intercom Telephone(Office) Telephone(Res)/Mobile eMail id Residence Address
CISF Control Room (Transport Bhawan) 23724821
Name Designation Room No/Intercom Telephone(Office) Telephone(Res)/Mobile eMail id Residence Address
Sh. Hari Ram Meena Dir (Budget) 207 23387614 9868575886 hrmeena.rth@nic.in
Sh. Pradhan Meena SO(BUDGET) Jamnagar House (204) 23070792 09599993926 sobudget-psw@gov.in
Sh. Krishan Mohan Khanna Consultant 218 23070792 8800813812 km.khanna@nic.in
Name Designation Room No/Intercom Telephone(Office) Telephone(Res)/Mobile eMail id Residence Address
Sh. Vijay Singh Negi MMO 423-A/5479 9311627823 / 7292011889 vs.negi@nic.in
CR Incharge
Name Designation Room No/Intercom Telephone(Office) Telephone(Res)/Mobile eMail id Residence Address
Sh. Rajesh Batt CR Incharge 002/5001 23318215